Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Family Under Stress: Lesson 8

I don't think that it would surprise anyone to learn that when a family system is under stress, or is going through a family crisis, it can cause tension in the family. Because we know at least this much, it is important for us to take charge in learning how to cope with these stressors in our family system.

This week we discussed an outline of factors that contribute to how a family copes with stress and crises. When we understand the elements that contribute, we are better able to make adjustments to them. The outline is as follows:

A- Actual stressor event/crisis 
B- Both resources and responses
C- Cognitions (The way you think and feel about the event. Your perspective)
X- The total experience  

When we look at a crisis from these standpoints, we are more able to evaluate the situation from a realistic perspective. It is like being in a room behind a cinderblock wall and looking out through a hole the size of a quarter...but when you take a step back and evaluate the situation using the ABCX model, you can see through a window that spans the length of the room! Doing so allows you to make decisions that are better for your family in the long run. 

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