Monday, December 10, 2012

Parenting: Lesson 11

We learned this week about a couple of different aspects of parenting. The first was the purpose of parenting and the second was, active parenting. 

We discussed that parenting does not only benefit the child by providing his or her basic needs, but it benefits parents in so many ways. Some societal norms would have people believe that parenting is for those who get old and have nothing else to do, or those who have so much time on their hands that they can afford to waste it by just being parents rather than furthering their careers etc...

It is so important to realize that being a parent can benefit the parent themselves so much. Individuals learn how to become completely selfless, they learn how to teach and be teachable, and they learn to put a lot of things about life into perspective. It is crucial that parents learn what their purpose is. A few things outlined by one modern day researcher include the following:

Teaching your child how to make a known risk for a known benefit. 

Learning how to work, and work well with others. 

The ability to respond appropriately to challenges and opportunities. Learning the reality of choices and consequences. 

Learning to esteem others and to give admiration to them, despite possible differences in beliefs or values. A general love of mankind, a sense of "brotherhood" etc...

When we can understand that parenting us about much more than providing for the basic needs of the child, it will be a much more rewarding part of life. 

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