Monday, December 10, 2012

Fathers & Finances: Lesson 10

This week we discussed the important role that fathers have in the home. It is a common trend for husbands to feel insignificant once the couple starts having children. As mothers take on a more nurturing role, fathers can easily tossed to the side or feel as if they are unwanted as part of the child rearing process. It is crucial for fathers to recognize their role as a caretaker and a provider in the home. Some of the fatherly roles that we have discussed during class time are as follows:

  • Provide sufficiently (food, shelter, clothing, etc...)
  • Teach children shared family values and principles 
  • Teach children responsibility
  • Be mindful of the mothers nurturing influence
  • Establish family norms and rules
  • Found a parent/child relationship of trust and confidence 
In addition to these things, it is so important that fathers realize what an impact their presence has on the outcome of their children. As I mentioned before, many fathers come to feel that their influence is insignificant, and I am here to tell you that this could not be further from the truth. A fathers involvement in the home has shown to have a positive influence on children's cognitive, social and behavioral development. A child who has a healthy and stable relationship with their father is less likely to have behavioral problems, have better grades in school, is able to form healthy and functional relationships better in life, and is more able to cope with challenges that life presents.

Knowing all of this, it is easier to be a more mindful parent, and easier to see to it that fatherhood involvement does not fade or dissipate.

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